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#1: Ocean Acidification

Updated: Jun 14, 2022

According to Coast Adapt, a decrease in pH level can reduce 10% in starfish’s development rate, and more overwhelmingly, 34% of the molluscs' survival chances as well.

Now, imagine yourself as a fish. You can choose any kind that you like, from an anchovy to a ray fish, just go wild with your imagination. Now living as a fish, you’re happily swimming around, enjoying the marvelous landscape of our deep blue sea. Then, without noticing, you accidentally bump into your friend Oyster on the way. Regrettably, you turn back and apologize immediately:

“My dear friend Oyster, I didn’t mean to bump into you like that. I’m sorry” Your voice is filled with regret and sincerity but Oyster doesn’t reply, she stays silent for the next minute. Why doesn’t she say anything, you asked yourself. Is she sulking then? With that thought in mind, you tried to apologize again, this time promising her a hang out and some fun time scrolling around the sea together.

But yet again, silence. Confused by her action, you decided to say goodbye and swim away, wishing she would understand and forgive you soon. But then, the moment you turn around, everything got you shocked and almost to the point of paralyzed. Frozen to your spot, you stare at the thousands of floating Oysters in front of you. What is this? Are they…all dead? Having realized the terrifying truth, you desperately call for help but no one answers. Standing there in tears, you mourn for the loss of your close friend and many of her relatives too.

Well, isn’t that a horrifying experience as a fish? Now, you might be questioning why we inserted such a long story about oysters here. Then, ladies and gentlemen, here is your answer: It has been scientifically proven that an abundant amount of acid in the ocean can put the development process of oysters and shellfish at risk, more dangerously breaking thin shells, leaving these creatures with no protection.

Our seas have 60 times the amount of carbon compared to the atmosphere as they have an inherent tendency to absorb carbon. However, with the rise of factories and electrical devices’ production, we’re emitting an abnormal amount of carbon into the atmosphere, causing the seas to become more acidic than ever. As a result, the pH is beginning to drop, leading to a lack of calcium carbonate - a mineral that coral and shellfish depend on in order to grow strong reefs and shells. Because of this, shellfish and oysters are directly in danger as acidic oceans can destroy their shells, in other words, their strongest means of protection. According to Coast Adapt, a decrease in pH level can reduce 10% in starfish’s development rate, and more overwhelmingly, 34% of the molluscs' survival chances as well.



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