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Well, we’re pretty sure that climate change has now become a common phrase for almost everyone around the world. We hear about it everyday just like how we catch up with the latest Kardashian breakups or whether Putin or Biden said anything controversial today. Newspapers, advertisements, social media posts and even on national television, people are always mentioning climate change as an urgent topic that requires immediate action.
But…what kind of action exactly? Is it the kind where we protest against science and claim that this whole thing was nothing but a myth made by scientists like some certain new outlets told us so? Is it the kind where we prioritize cooperation and business’ needs before our own environment? Well, that is something that most people question everyday. Living in a world where there are thousands of different new resources, it’s hard for citizens themselves to choose what to believe and what to do. So, since that is the pathetic case of our world today, let’s dive a little bit deeper into the topic of “Climate change” and see whether we can actually do anything to help our planet at all.
In technical terms, climate change is defined as “long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, but since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels (like coal, oil and gas), which produces heat-trapping gasses.”
But if this is a bit too wordy and confusing to you, let us break it down. Ever since the 3rd Industrial Revolution where humans first got their hands on the brand-new and innovative electrical devices, people have been exploiting its production. For example, living in today’s world, we see airplanes everywhere. And what do airplanes run on? Fossil fuels. That’s right, by running these devices on fuels, us humans are releasing tons of toxic gasses such as CO2 into the atmosphere. Because this is true not only for airplanes but also for other machines such as vehicles and motorcycles, the number of gasses we emit has gradually increased in the environment. At the same time, the sun's energy is attempting to enter our planet through the atmosphere. However, because there are so many gasses in the atmosphere, the sun's rays are unable to enter, causing them to become stuck in our atmosphere, resulting in greater temperatures, or, in other words, global warming and climate change.
Not only the production of electrical devices but intensive farming also played an integral part in shaping the noxious reality of climate change. According to FAIRRR, extreme agriculture has a wide range of detrimental effects on the marine ecosystem and water supply. For example, manure from barnyards and feedlots can enter our water system, posing an E. coli risk and causing toxic algal blooms that can kill marine life. Intensive fish breeding in the aquaculture business also produces concentrated waste, which pollutes the water and suffocates plants and creatures on the seabed.
Since we don’t want to bore you with a long list of causes leading to climate change, only electrical devices’ production and intensive agriculture will be addressed here. However, please keep in mind that it took so many more existing problems and careless actions for our planet to be in such an urgent situation. If you want to further learn about the roots of climate change, feel free to check out these articles: United Nations, European Commission, and Climate Change. For now, let’s continue with our discussion.
Well, of course climate change has undoubtedly caused some serious harm to our lives as humans. Cause if not, there is no reason to care about it, right? We have seen countless new coverage about how warmer weather not only has a negative impact on crops but also our own health as well. From respiratory diseases to cancer, all can be caused by climate change.
But wait, let’s listen a bit closer. Did you catch that? Did you catch the sea creatures out there yielding for help in despair? That’s right, not only us, but sea animals as well as our ocean are both heavily affected by climate change. According to the Marine Stewardship Council, 83% of the global carbon cycle is circulated through the oceans.They have absorbed 93% of the excess heat from greenhouse gas emissions since the 1970s. Not only that but oceans are also home to 500,000 and 10 million marine species, contributing enormously to the biodiversity of our planet.
And if statistics only are not impactful enough to emphasize on the dreadful situation that marine creatures are facing, let’s take a deeper look into the details of our ocean friends’ sufferings.