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The reality we have to face is that there is no sugarcoating climate change. We cannot sit here and tell you to be optimistic, to have faith in science and to wait for our government to act because whether we like it or not, the debate regarding climate change’s importance is still ongoing in many countries. Despite the deadly situation portrayed above, despite the shocking statistics released every year, despite the people’s yearning for help, countless government officials are still turning a blind eye to this issue and decide it would be better off if they prioritize corporations’ profits instead of our heavily polluted oceans. 


That is, sadly, the world we are living in. In order to change the mind of an entire government, it may take months, years or decades even. There is no promising what the people in power will do but there is a promise in us - people who are ready to change for the better. Even though individual effort might not seem much but together with millions of other people sharing the same vision of saving our oceans, we truly believe that a change can be made. With that being said, we will provide a few ways you can help our oceans as well as donation links to organizations dedicated to fighting climate change. 


Changes in daily habits that can help our oceans:

  • Limit private transportation usages, instead use public transportations or bikes if possible 

  • Cut down on air travel which makes up a huge portion of carbon footprint

  • Reduce reliance on single-use plastic

  • Support environmentally friendly corporations (use recycled materials or rely renewable energy)


Donation links to organizations dedicated to climate change: 

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